Silver Lotus invites you to join us for our 2025 Tai Chi/Qigong Teacher Training Program!
Location: Lewes Senior Activity Center, 32083 Janice Rd, Lewes, DE 19958
Dates of Trainings: In-person training will be in multiple weekend modules, with self-paced study and practice teaching in between. Additional Zoom or practice sessions will be scheduled. Certifications will be awarded on the final weekend.
Contact us for more information, or to be added to the 'interested' list.
We invite you to join us for this multi-level instructor training. The training is great fun, providing in-depth fundamentals of history, philosophy, energy anatomy, teaching methodology, practice teaching and forms refinement. Your certification will focus on the first section of the Yang Style 24 forms, Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention, and Silver Lotus Warm Up Exercises. But the training will prepare you well to teach other tai chi and qigong forms as well.
Two levels of teacher training are offered. Level II is for those who have previously completed the Level I program and wish to update r deepen their understanding and teaching skills. Both programs are described below.
This program awards a 200-hour Level I Silver Lotus certification to teach beginning Tai Chi/Qigong for Health. The program also includes certification through the Tai Chi for Health Institute to teach Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention and Seated Tai Chi.
This program includes, but is not limited to, training in the following:
All students interested in deepening their understanding of Tai Chi and Qigong are welcome. This is a comprehensive program that includes in-person weekend workshops, as well as reading assignments, home study, and practice teaching. It is a relaxed way of learning how to safely and effectively share your knowledge of Qigong and Tai Chi. Prior experience in Yang 24 Forms or other tai chi/qigong will be helpful, but not required. Study materials to familiarize you with the movements before the first class will be provided.
Additional information on tuition and registration will be posted very shortly. Please contact us for information or to be placed on our "interested" list.
If you have completed Level I or an equivalent (contact us for details), Level II is available to you for a nominal fee; but you must attend all of the training weekends and zoom appointments.
also Level II is a repetition of Level I with Level II assignments to help you take your own practice to a deeper level.
You will be "Mentoring" a Level I student. This includes supporting them with their assignments, practice teaching, and their own learning of the forms. In this way, you will not only review and learn the SLTI curriculum material in-depth, but your own teaching/coaching skill will advance to a new depth and vibrancy. This program is a great opportunity to advance your skills and to promote the availability of Tai Chi to our communities.
To register, please complete this online form.
To pay a deposit or balance by check or Venmo, please email us for information ( To pay a deposit or balance by credit card, please click here.